Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Update #1 on (mostly) completed animated scenes

While it will take a long time before I have recruited all the voice actors neccessary for this project, I have nonetheless been animating a couple of sequences using Moviestorm's synthesised voices as a placeholder for the real voices.

Whenever I've completed some key scenes, I will post a screenshot or two for each 'fully' animated scene to give readers an idea of what they're about. Like so:

This sequence takes place in Bond's Hotel Room, which was
 originally meant to be in the Tropicana Hotel but has moved to the
Whyte House. It occurs after Bond has met Plenty O'Toole.

As you may have guessed, this is an interior shot of Tiffany
Case's Ford Mustang Mach 1. Naturally, this sequence occurs
right before the famous chase through the streets of Las Vegas.

It's the Bridal Suite! This magnificient set was only seen in two
 scenes from the original film, but this sequence in particular is an
extended version of the scene when Felix visits "Mr and Mrs Jones"
 to inform them the C.I.A hasn't got permission to raid
Willard Whyte's Penthouse.

Though not one of Ken Adam's most impressive sets, I found
 re-creating the interior of the Oil Rig control room to be somewhat
 of a challenge. The corrugated metal walls could not be replicated
 100% in Moviestorm, so I resorted to placing textures over the walls.
 Anywho, this is an altered version of the sequence that serves as
an introduction to Blofeld's Oil Rig in Baja California.

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