Friday, 2 October 2020

Update #4 on (mostly) completed animated scenes

In previous posts I have talked about multiple scenes that I've recently animated for Diamonds Are Forever Re-Imagined, but this time I am going to share one entire sequence that has taken 3 whole months for me to animate and edit together!

For the most part, the scene is complete. A few sound effects (mainly for the cars) haven't yet been implemented and not all of the shots have been polished for issues such as chroma-key fringing. 

You may have also noticed three synthetic voice clips at the beginning, but these will eventually be dubbed with recorded dialogue by voice actors.

As per usual with the production of this film, here are few of the stills created for this scene:

That's all for now! As for what I'm animating next, I'm still hard at work with the middle of the film. My aim is to finish all of the Whyte Tectronics scenes by January or February of next year, one of which includes a vehicle chase to replace the Moon Buggy Chase from the original film...

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